Terms of use and legal notice of MUEBLES GUADAIRA S.A.U
MUEBLES GUADAIRA S.A.U. has this web site at its disposal, accessible from the Internet at www.mueblesguadaira.com, for providing commercial information to its customers, distributors and collaborators; as also for serving as a platform of sales and promotion of its products and services. The conditions for using this web site will be described in the following, and should be kept in mind while visiting our web site. The present General Conditions of Web Site Use, together with the general contracting conditions that regulate the rendering of services, and/ or the particular conditions that could be established, have the purpose of regulating the availability of the information as well as the commercial relationships that rise between MUEBLES GUADAIRA S.A.U. and the users of the web site. The quality of user of the web site is acquired simply by navigating and / or using the services the site includes. The navigation as well as the use of any service on the site, suppose the acceptance as a user, without reserves of any kind, of each and all of the present General Conditions of Web Site Use, of the General Contracting Conditions which in that case rule the rendering of services the web site offers, as in that case, of the Particular Conditions that could exist in relation to the rendering of these services. MUEBLES GUADAIRA S.A.U. preserves the right of changing these conditions of use, as well as the products and services, prices and promotions mentioned in this web site without previous warning. The present general conditions of use do not exclude the possibility of certain products or services that are being offered on the web site, to be submitted to some special conditions of use, which, in any case, will be indicated and can be consulted by the customer before acceptance. Information and responsibility for this web site and use of its contents MUEBLES GUADAIRA S.A.U. makes an effort to be sure that the information on this web site is correct and is permanently up-to-date. However, there can always exist errors or omissions, for which the user should never consider the information provided to be exact. None of the contents of this web site should be considered as an affirmation or an indubitable fact. MUEBLES GUADAIRA S.A.U. can not control the use that the user makes of the information, of files and documents this web site offers, and therefore cannot be responsible for any kind of damage or injury, whether direct or indirect, that could be derived from the use of the means obtained on this web site. Use of files and documents available on this web site The files and documents included in this web site have the aim of promoting and complementing the commercial action of MUEBLES GUADAIRA S.A.U.; they also aim to provide the user with a fast and easy medium for accessing the named products and services. Authorisation is conceded for using or linking the pages on this web site whenever its origin is indicated and it is only used for informative purposes, being personal and not commercial, and no document should be modified in any way. The use for any other purpose is explicitly prohibited and responsibilities will be demanded from offenders. MUEBLES GUADAIRA S.A.U. and ⁄ or its distributors are not to be held responsible for the information contained in documents and related files that are published on the web site being useful for a determined purpose. All documents and files are published "as they are" without any kind of guarantees. MUEBLES GUADAIRA S.A.U. and ⁄ or its distributors will on no account be responsible for any specific damage, whether direct or indirect, derived from the use or interpretation of the information available on this web site. The documents and files published on this web site could include inaccuracies or clerical errors. The information is submitted to periodical changes. MUEBLES GUADAIRA S.A.U. can execute improvements and ⁄ or changes en the documents and files existing on the web site at any time, without having to warn neither previously nor afterwards. Information about pages linked to this web site MUEBLES GUADAIRA S.A.U. can not revise the web sites to which it can link from this web site and therefore cannot be held responsible for its contents. The risks derived from consulting these web sites correspond exclusively to the users, that should conform to the terms and conditions for its use. Intellectual and industrial property and copyrights All contents of this web site are the property of MUEBLES GUADAIRA S.A.U. The user acknowledges explicitly that the elements integrated in this web site are protected by the legislation concerning copyrights and that the intellectual and industrial property of it belongs to MUEBLES GUADAIRA S.A.U. or it representatives. As a consequence, the customers obliges himself to respect the terms and conditions established by the present general conditions of use, being the only one responsible for not living up to these towards third parties. MUEBLES GUADAIRA S.A.U. allows the use, reproduction and distribution of certain contents on this web site, whenever counting with previous authorisation in writing of MUEBLES GUADAIRA S.A.U. and living up to the conditions in that authorisation. Consequently the user acknowledges that reproduction, modification, distribution, commercialisation, transformation or publication of any element integrated in this web site, forms an offence to the intellectual and industrial property of MUEBLES GUADAIRA S.A.U. or its representatives if not previously authorised in writing, obliging himself, as a consequence, to not realizing none of the actions mentioned. The names of products and services appearing on this web site can be registered trademarks of its companies or authors. Responsibility for the functioning of this web site MUEBLES GUADAIRA S.A.U. will not be responsible for any damage to the user in case of impossibility to render the service that is subject to the present conditions of Use due to supposed unexpected events, force majeure or other causes for which the company cannot be held responsible. Neither can MUEBLES GUADAIRA S.A.U. be held responsible for a malfunctioning of the web site if the obliged maintenance is executed, not for incidences that affect national or international operators, nor for a defective configuration of the systems of its customer nor for its insufficient capacity of supporting the systems that are indispensable for using the service. Illegal use Services provided on this web site by MUEBLES GUADAIRA S.A.U. can not be used for purposes that are illegal or not allowed by the present legal warning. It is prohibited to interfere in the use of the services of MUEBLES GUADAIRA S.A.U. by third parties, as well as causing any damage to the servers of MUEBLES GUADAIRA S.A.U. or connected networks. |
We are currently installing the civic center near the Avenida Cruzcampo in which melanins are making doors, parquet floor, lined walls, acoustic ceilings and health booths. We have also recently made health booths and formica handrails for a health center in Seville. |
Se ha recibido un incentivo de la Agencia de Innovación y Desarrollo de Andalucía IDEA, de la Junta de Andalucía, por un importe de 17.812,50 euros, cofinanciado en un 80% por la Unión Europea, a través del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, FEDER, para la realización del proyecto: Adquisición de centro de mecanizado de control numérico y escuadradora, con el objetivo de: CONSEGUIR UN TEJIDO EMPRESARIAL MÃS COMPETITIVO. |
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